Sunday, 6 December 2015

5 Easy Tricks to Brighten Up Your Rooms

Who doesn’t love a little light? The winter season is upon us and now it has become more imperative than ever that we address those dim corners and rooms inside our house. Darker rooms exude a lazy and monotonous vibe, one which isn’t welcoming to guests or home-stayers alike. Brighter rooms on the other hand provide a sense of energy to get through the day effectively with vigour.

1.       Wall mounted shelving is a must for your home decor!
Eliminate the need for heavy furniture and the room will automatically look shades brighter. Rather than incorporating separate study tables and hefty bookshelves, opt for precise and aesthetically pleasing wall mounts over your wall tiles which will not only save you a lot of space but will accentuate your room in terms of lighting as well. Make sure you paint them white or some other lighter colour. This way, there will be no more shadows which are usually casted by heavy pieces of furniture during the day.

2.       Replace your dark furniture right away:

Do you have a dark wooden television cabinet that is occupying half the length of your walls? Do you own a huge wooden bed belonging to a darker coffee shade? Do you have bookshelves which are widespread right from your floor tiles to the ceiling? Heavy furniture is sometimes essentially needed, but more often than not, it contributes to an extremely dull and mundane feel. Always minimize such furniture components and pick lighter wood options. If you’ve already invested a lot in your ‘heavy’ furniture, you can pick vibrant slipcovers to compensate for that.

3.       Pick your accessories and decorations wisely:

Being passionate is one thing, but buying a dark Manchester United poster just for the sake of the name might just deteriorate the vibe of your entire room. Always be cautious while picking your artwork, book collections, wall hangings, knickknacks and other decorations that are sitting in your room. Old black and white rustic accessories donning your wall tiles or a wall full of old green plant hangings or an ancient stack of books – all this can contribute towards that dark appeal your room is exuding. You might end up making a few sacrifices along the way if you want to brighten up your room in an effective manner.

4.       Mirror mirror on the wall!
Now that there is breathing space in your room, don’t be hesitant to add a few mirrors. The minimum amount of light that is entering your room will be reflected through those mirrors, making your room seem a whole lot brighter than it actually is. Make sure you pick mirrors which come with light coloured frames.

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